If you wish to start your career in the
hacking domain, then the main thing you need to consider about is anonymity. So, what you need be concerned is how to be anonymous. The basic techniques of anonymous will be discussed. Let’s discuss A. VPN VPN is known as Virtual Private Network. 1) VPN The mobile or computer will get connected to a new network; we will be accessing the internet in the name of IP address provided by VPN provider. The VPN that your getting connected should be so secure enough or reputed one. Or else you’re in a vulnerability point of action. So always be cautious on connecting to any network. Let me tell you something about IP address. If you connected to the internet, then google “what is my IP” you will get your dynamic IP address which is given by your mobile network service provider which may change by an hour, a day no longer than that. Static Public IP is costly. If you are a broadband provider then you can have a one public static IP address, Enterprise lease line (optical fiber) internet service provider gives you n number of Public as per your pay. ISP provider will know what you’re doing on the web. Understand personality of a hacker itself a privacy. VPN maintain the anonymity and boost by keeping your ISP throttling; the packets are sent and received prioritizing the system. If you are a broadband provider then you can have a one public static IP address, Enterprise lease line (optical fiber) internet service provider gives you n number of Public as per your pay. ISP provider will know what you’re doing on the web. Understand personality of a hacker itself a privacy. VPN maintain the anonymity and boost by keeping your ISP throttling; the packets are sent and received prioritizing the system. 2)Hide Your IP Address. Once you connected to the VPN internet, then the intellectual property address of yours will change according. You will be surfing from any other countries virtually. If you open Google, you can see you’re using Google of that country. 3) Hide your activities on the internet. When you connected to the VPN internet then you will be anonymous, your activity such as browsing history, the cache of the browser will not be tracked by Gov, Internet Service Provider, Google, and a lot of third party apps. 4) Geo – Tracking is not possible When someone tries to track you, then it will be not possible. This is old stories; now cyber are easily tracking our presence.But if we use Rasperberry pi installed with Kali Linux, then your anonymity is guaranteed. Yeah! The title says want it is all about. These are the FREE VPN To Help you get started. Cyberghost –> Good for Germany USA IP Free VPN VPN Tool –> good US SecurityKIS Hotspot Shield ProXPN Open VPN Tor VPN It’s Hidden B. Proxies Proxy is also called as redirectors; it is less secure than the VPN. This proxy does the same job as VPN. In VPN you need to connect to their network they will route your IP address dynamically. You can surf the internet using that website it will act just like the browser. Similarly, in other words, your surfing internet using their server.They will take care of redirecting you. If you use this proxy sites in your office, college, school. This may not work because they may block this site in the tag redirected in the firewall, In firewalls, no one will sit and enter the website to block. They are tag if that shopping tag is blocked you will not be use websites that come under the shopping. Let’s discuss this later in upcoming posts. Below are some of the Proxy sites that you can use as a starting leveler. C. Virtual Machine Virtual Machine is a best benign for all the users. If you are trying to test any OS, then go with this software.Virtualisation is the method of running an another OS in the software. Try installing Kali Linux today and start hacking neighbors Wi-Fi.Stop this guy’s; hacking life doesn’t stop by hacking Wi-Fi and downloading movies and music. We can rule the world if you love hacking, keep supporting us. We will take you to that level. The holy heaven feature of VM is you can take the snapshot of your VM machine.Snapshot is the method of freezing the system at that state and take backup.If I installed Kali Linux in VM yesterday, everything worked fine, if I cracked, I could get back the same machine to yesterday state. Awesome feature right!! These are popular the VM software. VMLite –…Itemid=153 VMWare – Virtual Box – D. Be Easy With Your DOX Info The most common mistake everyone doing the internet is giving our information in the web.Stop doing that guys, always concern your privacy. Stop typing your email address, name, contacts, etc. Believe me; privacy is more important than virginity. So let me suggest your website where you will generate fake names, If you’re compiled by the website to register email, then there is a way. There is website called This website will create a 10 minutes mail, if you register with this mail address then you will receive an activation mail on that website, do everything within 10 minutes. E. DNS Leak Testing If we are using privacy services such as VPN, there is also a risk of getting captured by DNS. So, it is very important to the extended test of DNS; you may be connected to any third party DNS too. There is a clue to track you through DNS traffic. So test with the website Make sure everything is working so fine. Privacy is very important. As like anonymous group is fighting, the internet is open to the world not to be restricted. A lot of third party organizations like Mozilla to fight against open web. You can become a contributor or Mozilla and start contributing them. More on: F. Privacy Badger Privacy Badger is the add-on which is available chrome, opera, Mozilla as well. We can get to know what we are missing out in our browser cache so that we can make Ourself safe. Just give a try within add-on. G. Never Ever Save Your Password There are many hack tool to steal your saved password from your computer at the location. %Appdata% So never save your password in your browser. Always 2 step verification for all your accounts. Mind that you’re a hacker, you should not go easy on this facts.So be always concerned about your privacy. Characteristics of a hacker, they talkless but execute more, hate stupids, never listen to soft music, concern about privacy, breath internet. H. A Final Word These cannot assure 100% anonymity and if you did something Black Hat stuff and when you hear a door knock and see some cops outside your door, don’t blame me ๐Ÿ™‚


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